
Friday 28 February 2014

Dwarf Fortress: Prisoners of War

Our first order of business was to escort our goblin prisoner to a proper prison area. The dwarves carved out a holding room and stocked it with nothing but chains fastened to the floor. Our chief medical dwarf informed me that vile creatures such as goblins require no nourishment and would require no additional facilities. Such prisoners were damned to an eternity of imprisonment; or, at the very least until we decide to make them fight in glorious gladiatorial combat. While we were moving the prisoner she attempted to escape from the fortress. A small brawl broke out and the goblin managed to make a run for the exit. Luckily, the path was laden with more cage traps. We recaptured the goblin and moved her to the prison. Over the next few seasons me manage to capture another goblin, a minotaur (who killed two dwarves before being captured), and a rowdy duck.

Top: Summoning the Order-Trumpets to move the goblin prisoner. Bottom: Our collection of prisoners chained to the floor.

Meanwhile, the goblins again tried to attack the mountainhome caravan! This time we were armed to the teeth with iron and brass and brought the fight to them. We triumphed easily without suffering any casualties.

Left: Our mountainhome brothers' caravan under attack! Right: The Order-Trumpets dispatching switch justice.

We expanded our above ground complex to facilitate a safe way for the dwarves to dump all their dead camels who couldn't acclimatize to underground life. The dwarves dug out a lowered section and irrigated the area with water. We went to work planting a variety of berries and roots which could only be grown in the awful sunlight. Lastly, we constructed a number of noble rooms and, like any successful organization, began to balloon our administration at the expense of the fortress' overall well being and happiness of its members.

Left: The above ground complex completely walled. Our new farms are sunken in the bottom corner. Top-Right: Showcasing our new berry farms. Bottom-Right: Construction of noble rooms.

Ending Year: 254

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